Website support provided by

Cape Cod Five Bank

Orleans Historical Society
and Museum

Gold Medal Boat

News and Events


Read the Cape Cod Wave article "The Caretakers of the CG36500, The Heroes Boat" 6 June 2016 >>


CBS This MorningCBS This Morning "Unbelievable Coast Guard Rescue" video segment. October 17, 2015 >>

Volunteers Care For Famous Coast Guard Boat in Orleans. Listen to "Sunday Journal" online now! >>

Read the Boston Globe article "little boat that could" 4 August 2015 >>

Disney's The Finest Hours - Trailer 1


Pendleton Rescue Remembrance, February 18, 2015

A showing of the History Channel production "Shipwreck - Cape Cod". This 44 minute video, donated by Andy Fitzgerald, shows the "bones" of the Sparrowhawk and describes in detail the rescue of the 32 men from the SS Pendleton back in 1952. There are some rarely seen scenes in the video and we encourage all to attend.
After the film, we will toll a bell for the three departed crewmen of the CG36500 and the lives lost on the SS Pendleton.
Suggested donation.
The Museum is just off Main Street at 3 River Road in Orleans, on the way to Nauset Beach.

2014 - 2015 Event Images Gallery

A few of the exciting places and people CG36500 has encountered during the past 2 years. >>

Movie The Finest Hours

release date was January 29, 2016.



Orleans' CG36500 always at the ready, September 7, 2014.

Wicked Local Orleans, article by Doreen Leggett.
Some may call the CG36500 a floating museum but apparently it still considers itself a rescue boat. Read full article >>



Ground Breaking Ceremony at the USCG Museum in New London, CT, May 3, 2014.

To view images of the event click here >>

Bernard C. Webber

CG36500 Meets CGSC Berbard C. Webber, 2014

The CG 36500 met up with the newly commissioned (2012-04-14) 154 foot long Coast Guard Sentinel Class cutter, the Bernard C. Webber, when she came North from her home port in Miami Beach, Florida. The significance of the first of a new class of cutter being named after Coxswain Webber should not be lost on anyone who has a sense of Coast Guard history, as in the past the Coast Guard has named their vessels after Secretaries of The Treasury, capes, points, winds, sharks, and flowering shrubs. Not to mention other high profile people like Alex Haley, Abbie Burgess, etc. This class will bear the names of heroic enlisted men and women of the Coast Guard. What an honor to be the first in a class of commissioned U.S. vessels!

Orleans, MA July 4th Parade. Special thanks to Nauset Marine services for excellent towing through the parade route.

Chatham, MA July 4th Parade. Part of the Chatham activites marking the 300 Year Celebration.

The Wooden Boat Show at Mystic Seaport. Awarded 'Power, Owner Restored 1st Place' and 'Judges Choice'.

CG36500-2009 CG36500-2009 CG36500-2009 CG36500-2009 CG36500-2009

Photos 1,2:©Katherine Mehls. Photos 3, 4 5:©Heidi Gallo

The Wooden Boat Show at Mystic Seaport. Awarded 'Power, Owner Restored 1st Place' and 'Judges Choice'.